An effective comprehensive CPM Schedule will integrate a realistic design plan. This will assist the design professionals in maintaining key milestones necessary to award and construct a timely project that meets owner expecations. In order to optimize construction costs it is necessary to begin construction on time. Often times the owner's occupancy expectations do not shift, and failiure to complete design, and award and begin construction on time, creates a constructuve cruch that dramatically increases bid amounts. A well developed pre-bid schedule not only optimizes contractual time and bid costs, but will offer schedule insight into construction expediency. This will help the design team in choosing the details that best serve time and function. A pre-bid schedule will also serve as a secondary check against errors and ommissions through our quality control review. We often identify many discrepancies and potential RFI's that would lead to change orders or arguments in the construction phase.
During construction our schedule reports provide an objective snapshot of actual progress. We clarify contractor delay issues, monitor progress, and simplify the pay application approval process. A cost loaded schedule provides a means to check monthly payment request against the schedule to ensure accuracy.
We recognize that the relationship the designer has with the owner is important and sets the standard for project performance. Our expertise in schedule planning and monitoring are to compliment your efforts in maintaining this relationship.
Designers can expect: